Items where Subject is "RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine"

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Number of items at this level: 34.


Artha Budi, Susila Duarsa and I Putu, Dedy Arjita Cek similarity Comprehensive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Control Using the Directly Observed Treatment Short-course Strategy (DOTS). Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Artha Budi, Susila Duarsa and I Putu, Dedy Arjita (2020) Comprehensive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Control Using the Directly Observed Treatment Short-course Strategy (DOTS). The 2nd Indonesian Tuberculosis International Meeting. (Submitted)

Artha Budi, Susila Duarsa and I Putu, Dedy Arjita and Dany, Karmila Cek similarity Uji Kelayakan Model Regita dalam Mendeteksi Dini Komplikasi Kehamilan dan Komplikasi Persalinan. Turnitin. (Unpublished)


Duarsa, Artha Cek Similarity Jurnal Health belief model concept on the prevention of coronavirus disease-19 using path analysis in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Buku Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 1 Model Modification of Participatory of Community Asset Development Research In Action (YUDHIA) for Childbirth and Pregnancy. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 2 A Case Study of Child Sexual Abuse_ Psychological Dynamic. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 3 Simulator Model for Risk Prediction. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 4 Development of REGITA Model. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 5 Hubungan Faktor Resiko Individu. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 6 Perpaduan Determinan Individu dan Tingkat Ekologi. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 7 Basic Construction Factors of Participatory Asset. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Jurnal 8 Hubungan antara Minum Teh. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Prosiding 1 Factors Associated with Knowledge. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Prosiding 3 Academic-Bioethic Profile_ Sistem Deteksi Dini Dalam Menilai Potensi Masalah Mahasiswa Kedokteran. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Prosiding 4 Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh & Public Health Medicine Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19_ Perspektif Mahasiswa. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Cek similarity Prosiding 5 Perspektif Masyarakat Dalam Pencegahan Covid-19 Di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Turnitin. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular : Studi Ekologi Malaria. Media Nusa Creative (MNC Publishing).

Duarsa, Artha Peer review Jurnal Health belief model concept on the prevention of coronavirus disease-19 using path analysis in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review buku Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular Studi Ekologi Malaria. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 1 Model Modification of Participatory of Community Asset Development Research In Action (YUDHIA) for Childbirth and Pregnancy. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 2 A Case Study of Child Sexual Abuse Psychological Dynamic. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 3 Simulator Model for Risk Prediction of Below the Red Line at Under Five in Lampung Province. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 4 The Development of REGITA Model for Prevention of Delivery Complication. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 5 Hubungan Faktor Resiko Individu dan Lingkungan Rumah dengan Malaria di Punduh Pedada Kabupaten Pesawaran Provinsi Lampung Indonesia 2010. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 6 Perpaduan Determinan Individu dan Tingkat Ekologi terhadap Kejadian Infeksi Malaria di Endemis Malaria. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 7 Basic Construction Factors of Participatory Asset Community Development Health In Action (Yudhia) Model to Prevent Complication of Pregnancy and Child-Birth. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review jurnal 8 Hubungan antara Minum Teh dengan Glukosa Darah Sewaktu pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Islam Al-Azhar. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 1 Factors Associated with Knowledge on Covid-19 Prevention in West Nusa Tenggara. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 2 Comprehensive Pulmonary Tuberculosis Control Using the Directly Observed Treatment Short-course Strategy (DOTS). Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 3 Academic-Bioethic Profile Sistem Deteksi Dini Dalam Menilai Potensi Masalah Mahasiswa Kedokteran. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 4 Pembelajaran Jarak Jauh & Public Health Medicine di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Perspektif Mahasiswa. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 5 Perspektif Masyarakat dalam Pencegahan Covid-19 di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Personal. (Unpublished)

Duarsa, Artha Peer review prosiding 6 Uji Kelayakan Model Regita dalam Mendeteksi Dini Komplikasi Kehamilan dan Komplikasi Persalinan. Personal. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 15:00:17 2025 WITA.